SK Motors GbR

Selling a car – Test drive tips

You’ve cleaned your car up so it’s spic and span; you’ve taken the photos and posted them online. Now you wait for the offers to start rolling in. Selling a vehicle privately can mean getting a higher value than you might from a broker or trade in, but it also means you need to take some extra precautions, especially when it comes time for a test drive.

Start with a pre-screen phone call for anyone who contacts you about the listing. This will help you identify the serious buyers and give you a chance to answer any questions they may have about the vehicle. But the real purpose of this call? To get a feel for the person. If something doesn’t feel right when you’re talking to them, trust your instincts and walk away.

Test Drive

Very few buyers would be comfortable purchasing a car without first taking it for a test drive. There are a few important things you can do to make this part of the process as safe as possible for both parties.

  • Meet in a public space during daylight hours (or because those hours are very limited in the winter, ensure it’s at least well-lit with other people around). One great option is to meet at a police station, some of which have set up safe exchange zones for exchanges from online sales.
  • Be upfront if you will have someone with you (which you should) and request that the potential buyer lets you know who will be coming with them.
  • Show up early. This way, you can watch for them as they drive up. If their driving habits seem unsafe or questionable, you may want to second guess the test drive.
  • Ask to see their licence. If they do not have it or it is expired, don’t let them drive your car.
  • Go with them for the drive whenever possible, taking your plus-one along for the ride.

Great news! You’ve agreed on a price with the buyer and you’re ready to hand over the keys.

  • Ask for cash whenever possible. If the other party insists on another form of payment, ask for a bank draft so the funds are guaranteed.
  • Just like with the test drive, meet in a public space for the handoff.
  • Contact your insurance company to let them know you’ve sold the vehicle and to remove your coverage.
  • Remember that you can stop the process at any time if you don’t feel comfortable. Be aware of your interactions and if something doesn’t seem right, then walk away. “Trust your gut” is a saying for a reason, so don’t second guess yourself just to appease a stranger.

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